Do you know

Gopika Geetham

As per Puranas, Purnima, or full moon day is associated with birth, rebirth, creation, and manifestation. On this auspicious day, the moon completes its one circle around the earth which symbolizes the end of a chapter in one’s life and the beginning of a new chapter. So, devotees pray to Chandra Deva and receive the divine blessing through the brightest light of the Moon.

Gopi (गोपी) is a Sanskrit word originating from the word Gopa. Gopi is also called as supreme knowledge. The satsang's aim is to be in Gopi Bhava all the time, that is the start to know about: good thinking, Bhakthi and Gnana (knowledge).

Gopis are often considered as the expansion of goddess Radha, the chief consort of Krishna. Dear most 8 gopis of krishna: Lalitha, Vishaka, Champaka latha, Chithra, Indhulekha, Thunga vidhya, Ranga devi and Sudevi. Sri Radha is the head of all these gopikas (ashtasakis).

As purnima is a very aspicious day to do any satvik work, ashtasaki & 108 gopis in vrindhavan usually chant Gopika Geetham to attain Krishna, in order to resemble this and also get the same path the ashtasakis did, we Sri Krishna Gopika Satsang follow it and recite Gopika geetham invariably on all full moon days, learn its inner meaning to cleanse our body and mind, to attain bhava and the virtues of these ashtasakis.

Lord Krishna used to play Raasa krida with all gopis, as detailed below. Please make use of the video available below for chanting Gopika geetham along with the lyrics in tamil and sanskrit.

On Purnima day, everyone should see the moon for some minutes, try to chant God's name or do japa in open space to absorb the energy of moon for spritual awekening.

As per the lunar calendar, there are 12 full moon nights in a year. Here is the complete list of Purnima

1. Chaitra Purnima – April
2. Vaishakh Purnima – May
3. Jyeshtha Purnima – June
4. Ashadh Purnima –July
5. Shravan Purnima – August
6. Bhadrapad Purnima – September
7. Ashvin Purnima- October
8. Karthik Purnima -November
9. Margasirsha Purnima – December
10. Pushya Purnima – January
11. Magha Purnima – February
12. Phalguna Purnima – March

Chandra Gayatri Mantra 
Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe |
Hema Roopaya Dheemahe
Tanno Chandra Prachodayat’||

Meaning: Om let me meditate on Lord Chandra who has a flag of lotus.
He shines in the brilliant color of gold. Let Lord Chandra illuminate my mind.

Dedicate the purnima to Sri Radha and Ashtasakis to reach Sri Krishna (the supreme soul)

- MKB.