Papamochini Ekadashi
25 Mar 2025 - India25 Mar 2025 - USA
Bhagavad Gita
Thursday to sunday at 8.45 PM IST.Chithra Purnima
12 Apr 2025
About MKB
Muralikrishna Bhagavathar (MKB)
Sri Krishna Gopika Satsang was started in 2019 by Muralikrishna Bhagavathar (MKB). He is the disciple of Pujyasri Omkaranandha Mahaswamigal and under his able guidance, learning Dharma shashthram, Yoga shashthram, Vyakarana shashthram, Padha shashthram and Upasana shashthram.
He conducts every week online session explaining Bhagavad Gita, teaches Geetha Govindham, Ashtapadhi, Bhajans and provides various information about God, bhakthi, soul and essence of life.
Read MoreSatsang routine events
Cleanse your body & mind through!

Every 11th day of krishna & shukla paksha is observed one of the major paths within sanathana dharma.
Bhagavad Gita
We strongly believe that knowing bhagavad gita in detail will make human life easy to know about self (athma) & paramathma (god).
Chanting gopika geetham every full moon day makes us feel we are with krishna with Gopikas bhava which is not only cool outside, even for athma.
Geetha Govindham
Chanting Sri jayadeva's ashtapadhi any time, makes us feel blessed to get us (jeevathma) united with Krishna (paramathma).

About Us
Sri krishna Gopika Satsang

Started in the year 2019
Connecting nearby friends, neighbours, bhajan friends by learning Geetha govindham, ashtapadhi, Bhagavad gita.
Satsang's Aim/motive
Main objective of this satsang is to learn sampradhaya bhajan, Ashtapadhi, Bhagavad gita supreme knowledge, attain krishna bhakthi, adapt gopikas bhava, remove negative thoughts and attain liberation.

Satsang Activities
Our Gopika satsang activities include:
Satsang Events
Online - Free to join

Every Ekadashi one Ashtapathi & tharangam (with story)

Bhagavad Gita
Every saturday & sunday at 9 PM IST. Detailed meaning by MKB.

Gopika Geetham
Every full moon day at 7.30 PM IST by MKB & Gopikas.
Quotes of
Bhagavad Gita
“You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become”
“It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.”
You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions.
“One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among humans.”
“Winter, summer, happiness, and pain; Giving, appearing, disappearing; Non-permanent, all of them; Just try to tolerate.”
Contact Us
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Get the supreme knowledge to come out of material life. Unless we think who I am, why I get sorrows, what I am doing in life, we cannot come out of re-birth and death cycle. Learning the ways to control mind and execute the correct human life. Contact below numbers to join the group which is totally free and no cost involved. Just lend your ears to learn things which can eradicate negative thoughts.